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Wolfe Ownership

A photo of Mary Lynne Wolfe Rosenberger, in whose honor Robert F. Wolfe named the boat.  Mary Lynne was fourteen years old when her father purchased the vessel.


Robert F. Wolfe's Mary Lynne prepares to leave her anchorage near Port Clinton, Ohio in 1952.  The cabinsides have been painted bright yellow at this point.  Note the little boy hiding on the sundeck.

This broadside of Mary Lynne taken in the summer of 1952 clearly shows the sundeck windshield and extra railings installed during the early forties.  Since there was never a helm station up there, their origins are a mystery. Subsequent owner Wayne Quinton removed them, and told us "No yachtsman designed them!"

An interesting photo of Mary Lynne found among the pictures taken by previous owner Virgil Waite.  He must have seen his old boat during one of his travels, and snapped this photograph of her, showing her new yellow paint job.

1940 Chris-Craft MARANEE, 2024

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